
Archive for the ‘Novels & Publications’ Category

Rating 4.0 / 5.0

Finally towards the end of the year( 2008 ) i felt like i read a interesting, responsible and thought provoking novel.

The novel starts off  describing a boy coming from slums from one of the North Indian States (usually referred as Darkness by himself), about his aborted education,  his family esp. his father, his first job and later ensconcing as an Entrepreneur in Bangalore.

I would say Mr. Arvind is very successful in describing the character of this boy, his feeling esp being poor and looking at the rich around him and trying to jump into the other side of the court no matter what it takes.

The analogies used to compare this poor young man with his rich landlord , the corrupted politics, the corrupted police and prostitution in India, really makes the reader to think about the true India. If someone from outside the country wants to know about India i would refer this book to them. This will give an insight of India at our so called paradises (Villages) level but not just the superficial high technology and highly industrialized cities.

Overall this is a must read for every Indian who believes in bringing change in India.The change should be from the core i.e. from our paradises.

Hope we can expect many such amazing works from Aravind in future.

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